Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Our Middle School provides an academically challenging and nurturing learning environment for up to 60 students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. In our warm and caring environment, new middle school students feel welcome and students bond quickly on the annual camping trip. Our size allows ample opportunity for students to become leaders, develop close friendships, and bond with teachers.
Middle school students begin their day in one of five Advisory groups (homerooms). They then rotate to core academic classes in literature/writing, social science, math, and science. Students are assigned to the math class that is appropriate for their working knowledge level - middle school math, pre-algebra, algebra, or advanced math (beyond algebra 1).
All students have specialized instruction in music, art, world language, physical education, and performing arts. Students choose between Chinese, Spanish and Latin for their language instruction.
Students experience a trimester each of visual arts, performing arts, music, and shop class & travel cultures. The learning experience is enriched by specialized 10-class electives called Encores as selected by the student. Recent offerings include Stop Motion Animation, Podcasting, 3D Printing, Crochet, Movies Imitate Life, LEGO Challenge, and Dungeons & Dragons.
Our Middle School program includes several long-term projects, with an emphasis on learning how to do research and learn new material. We emphasize communication and public speaking skills, and a focus is also placed on time management and study skills. The use of technology is integral to the curriculum. Countryside middle school students bring their own devices.
“The transition to high school was easier than I expected, and I was well prepared. I learned how to effectively take notes and plan for long projects at Countryside.”
- alum now in 9th grade
In addition to PE classes, students can participate in competitive sports by joining our soccer, basketball, and volleyball teams. Students can also enjoy other extracurricular activities with our band, chorus, art clubs, and several club sports, including archery, volleyball, basketball, track and cross country. We have two competitive academic teams: Scholastic Bowl and MathCounts.
Our Advisory program gives students the tools to be lifelong good citizens. Because middle school years can be a challenging time in students' lives, this program also helps students navigate the social aspects of middle school. Service learning projects instill the civic responsibility of community and global service.
Whether cooking together over a camp fire or dining together at a restaurant, social growth is encouraged through activities such as our annual middle school camping trip, middle school dances, and the 8th grade trip. For the camping trip, the students plan all aspects of it, including organizing equipment, food, and activities. Through team activities and nature hikes, students and teachers are able to bond as a group.
And what Middle School would be complete without a school dance? Countryside has two Middle School dances each year (for Countryside students). We also have plays, musicals and other performance opportunities, not to mention special events/projects like Maker Faire, Flour Bomb War, and Expedition!
“I was pleased to see my daughter transition almost seamlessly from public school into Countryside’s nurturing environment. She loves the camaraderie and individual attention made possible by the supportive middle school community. It’s almost like she’s been here for years!”
- parent of a new 6th grader
Some highlights of Middle School:
- Playing flashlight tag in the dark at the Middle School camping trip
- Participating in hands-on simulations such as the Renaissance Man contest
- Partying together at Middle School dances
- Enjoying daily outdoor break & snack time
- Experimenting in science lab
- Enjoying our own lockers!