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Joy in Learning, Excellence in Education

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Alumni Event Photos

Alumni Reunion 2023-24: Treats & Trivia

Homecoming 2023

Alumni Reunion 2022-23: Brunch & Basketball

Homecoming 2022

group of 24 alumni and teachers sitting on gym bleacher

Alumni Reunion 2019-20: Pizza Party

Homecoming 2019

Alumni Reunion 2018-19: PE Games

Homecoming 2018

25th Anniversary Gala & Prom 2018

Alumni Reunion 2017-18: Digital Scavenger Hunt

Homecoming 2017

Alumni Reunion 2016-17: Escape Room

Homecoming 2016

Homecoming 2015

The picnic was over, but some alums stayed...

Alumni Reunion 2014-15: Jupiter's

Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter
Reunion at Jupiter

Homecoming 2014
