Email from Head to Countryside Families
Hello Countryside Families –
Although I was hoping that I wasn't going to need to send this email, I am sending it as a proactive measure rather than a reactive one. After consultation with our national and local independent school associations, the Public Health District, our local Regional Office of Education, and the University of Illinois, Countryside will move forward with online education beginning Monday, March 23, 2020. Proactive measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 are being taken at all levels around the United States.
Between now and March 22, you will hear from your child's classroom teacher about how they will run their Google Classroom. Classroom teachers will be sending students home with things they may need during this period today and tomorrow. If you have already left for Spring Break, do not worry, you can email me, and we can coordinate a time to get you your child's necessities. Faculty and administration will have access to the building, respecting social distance boundaries that have been recommended by the Public Health District.
Everyone at Countryside is committed to making this work as smoothly as possible, but as with all new things, there will inevitably be a problem or two. As we navigate this time in our school, I ask you to have patience and know that we are all doing our part to make sure our families and our communities stay as healthy as possible, and beyond that, we can work through anything.
I will be at school for a few hours each day, please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. The goal is to get us back in the classrooms as soon as possible, and we will use the same resources to make that decision as we did to make this one.
All the best,
Krystal Young
Head of School
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